UPDATE: ZebraGSM looks to be a scam. Ech.
The plans are good though, so you may want to check them out if you're in ZebraGSM's signup-for-service area, which includes 25 states on teh east and west coasts...
$39.99 - Unlimited local/long distance/calling features (Caller ID, call waiting, 3-way calling, etc.)
$49.99 - $39.99 plan plus unlimited text
$59.99 - $49.99 plan plus unlimited MMS
$69.99 - $59.99 plan plus unlimited web
Family plans are $20 per month extra per line, no matter what plan you add them to.
Phone selection is pretty good, though prices are nowhere to be found. This is because, like many such providers, ZebraGSM farms out sales to dealers. But here's the list (all made by Motorola, interestingly):
SIM-only (good if you have an unlocked 850/1900-capable GSM phone you want to use on the service)
c168i (okay basic phone)
w215 (basic phone with camera, haven't seen before)
v220 (camera flip phone)
L6i (SLVR but cheaper)
Rokr e1 (nothing to see here, move along...no, seriously0
Razr v3 (party like it's 2005)
Rizr z3 (the Razr, spiffed up slider-style0
Note: "unlimited" isn't exactly unlimited here, but for most purposes you're okay here. Minute usage is capped at 10,000 per month, Texts are capped at 30,000 per month, and data is (you guessed it) 5GB per month. Unless you're using your phone as a modem, you should be good to go. Until these guys go out of business, that is...
Still, really good plans while they last. Looks like they're using AT&T's network by the way, so coverage should be good.
Ian I think the consensus on HoFo is that this is a scam to get dealers to pay for sims and then go belly up like they did with Bootie beer. I mean where does an MVNO come off selling unlimited minutes for $40 a month?
Yes, a number of researchers have confirmed that this is indeed a scam. They have been postponing the launch for nearly a year now and not once shipped out a single sim despite requiring you to buy 100+ at a time via wire transfer to a shell corporation.
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